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Customer survey 2023 - Golf equipment reviews

It's not often golf brands reveal the results of their golf equipment reviews and customer surveys. For the past three years, we have done just that. Our annual customer survey has asked PuttBANDIT golf ball marker customers to tell us what they think, how their PuttBANDIT marker is impacting their putting performance, and how they would improve our designs.


These user insights inspire our product innovation and help us design and build new and improved alignment marker models including our latest PuttBANDIT LP all-metal marker. These are the results of our 2023 survey.



67% of survey respondents reported taking less putts per round, up from 63% in 2022. PuttBANDIT users reduced their putts per round by an average of 3.8 putts.

A pie chart showing 67% of PuttBANDIT golf ball markers agreeing that the marker saves them putts.

WHS handicaps

77% of responders reported lowering handicaps by an average of 15% during their first year of PuttBANDIT marker use. Before using a PuttBANDIT the average handicap of responders was 18.4 which dropped to 15.7 by the date of the survey in October 2023.

A column chart showing the handicap improvement of PuttBANDIT golf ball marker users.

Overall performance

Customer scoring feedback shows improvement on 2022, particularly on putts that contribute to 3-putt avoidance. The high confidence and consistency scores indicate a positive contribution to maintaining increased putting performance.

A bar chart showing how the PuttBANDIT golf ball marker improves aspects of putting.

Speed control

The top putting issue from our recent UK Putting Survey was ‘Leaving putts short’ with 71% of golfers citing speed/distance control issues. We believe that confidence and trust in your chosen putt line helps clear the mind to focus on speed control. 55% of customers agreed. They reported that using a PuttBANDIT marker helped improve their focus on speed/distance control.

A pie chart showing 55% of PuttBANDIT golf ball markers agreeing that the marker helps improve focus on speed control.

5-star ratings

We ask users to rate their PuttBANDIT marker on a range of product attributes on a 5-star scale. This helps us validate the customer-led design improvements that we’ve delivered based on prior customer feedback.

A graphic showing review ratings of PuttBANDIT marker features and benefits on a 1-5 star range

Customer-led innovation

In our 2022 survey, customers told us they wanted a smaller, thinner, more robust marker. We responded by releasing our PuttBANDIT LP marker in March 2023, an all-metal, low-profile design, thinner than a pound coin. It’s now our best-selling alignment marker.

Our thanks and appreciation go to all our customers for their survey feedback and the design suggestions that enable us to help improve customer putting performance.


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